- Added support for push notifications
- Fixed the trading dialog error that did not allow to trade using Android 2.x powered tablets
- Fixed minor errors
Added quick position closing and orders deletion by a single mouse click.
Click the cross in "Profit" column of orders and positions list to close a position or remove a pending order.
If "One-click trading" option is enabled in the terminal settings, position will be closed immediately at the current price (order will be removed). If the option is disabled or quick closing is impossible (for example, for trading symbols having Request Execution type), the standard position closing (order removal) dialog will appear.
Fixed displaying positions having "Futures" calculation type in "Exposure" window.
Projects folder in MQL5 directory has been implemented for common projects. It is shown in blue in Navigator.
Despite the fact that Projects folder is located inside MQL5, the projects are located separately from the user's personal directory (https://storage.mql5.com/svn/Personal/<MQL5.community
All projects are stored in a separate section https://storage.mql5.com/svn/Projects/
The top-level directory in Projects folder is considered to be a project. Therefore, a new folder should be created in Projects section to create a project. Use "New Folder" option to create the new folder,
select it and click "Create Project" in the context menu.
The project will be created. Reports on successful project creation will be displayed in MetaEditor's journal.
Access to each project is set only by a project author (a user who created it).
To start a teamwork on a project, you should allow other users to access it. Click "Add Permission" in the context menu of a created project folder and add a new user by specifying his or her MQL5.community login.
Click "Checkout" in "Projects" folder context menu to upload available projects. The projects will be uploaded from the storage. All further operations with them are similar to the ones with conventional files assigned to MQL5 Storage.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at "https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the Live Update system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at "https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe
Added request_id field in
MqlTradeResult structure - a unique identifier of the terminal trade
request during a network session.
field is filled by the client terminal when a trade request is
successfully sent to the server. Further on, this field is filled in
result parameter of OnTradeTransaction entry point. Therefore, the
opportunity of clear comparison of OrderSend and OrderSendAsync
functions calling with getting the trade request results at
OnTradeTransaction entry point is provided.
For ease of writing code, MetaEditor provides the possibility to insert snippets — small template fragments of source code describing a particular construction of the MQL5 language. Insertion of a snippet is initialized by typing the keyword. After you type the keyword the cursor is changed to "Snippet available". To insert a snippet, you should press "Tab". For more information about working with snippets please read the MetaEditor Help.
The key word for OnTradeTransaction entry point is OnTradeTransaction.All input parameters can now be included for optimization (the number of input parameters is limited by 1024). It means that the space that can have the maximum value to be written in the integer 1024-bit value can be used in the genetic search for the optimal parameters. The protocol of data transfer between the terminal and tester agents has been changed for big indices of the optimized variants.
Therefore, all previous versions of tester agents will not be able to connect to the cloud network and (or) the client terminal because of the protocol change and will be updated automatically via LiveUpdate system.Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at "https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe
Added OnTradeTransaction entry point - getting information about trade transactions performed for a trade account.
void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction& trans,const MqlTradeRequest& request,const MqlTradeResult& result)
The entry point is called to transfer the data on the trade transactions performed for a trade account to MQL5 program:
The client terminal stores the history of transactions and
consistently transfers them to an Expert Advisor, if an entry point is
present. The history is limited to 1024 transactions and cleared during
the next connection.
Note that transactions processing in the terminal is performed independent of transactions processing in MQL5 program. For example, while an Expert Advisor processes a transaction to add a new order, the terminal can at the same time get a transaction to delete the appropriate order and move it to history.
MQL5: Enhanced ENUM_DEAL_TYPE "deal types" enumeration values set. The following values are added:
CCanvas class allows to implement various graphics on custom charts of "Bitmap" and "Bitmap Label" types. In fact, these objects turn into a surface for drawing any image. Thus, it is possible to create custom graphical objects, apart from the ready-made terminal ones.
The class implements the functions for drawing lines, circles, rectangles, polygons, their filling and filling any area in a specified color. Besides, the client terminal distribution kit now has the example of the class application CanvasSample (MQL5\Scripts\Examples\Canvas\CanvasSample.mq5).
Added saving the intermediate data of the genetic
optimization - the optimization process will start from where it was
stopped, not from the beginning.
Profiling results are exported in HTML, CSV and OpenXML formats. To move to a specific code line, just double-click on the appropriate profiling report line.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the Live Update system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at "https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe
More languages have been added in the new version of the MetaTrader 5 for iPhone (5.0.540) - it is now also available in Turkish and Traditional Chinese. This will help to cover more users who prefer to use the trading platform in their native language.
In addition, to increase the terminal operating speed, we have reduced the backup size and fixed errors reported by users.
Today we are pleased to announce the public testing of the MetaTrader 5 client terminal. It is open to anyone who wishes to test the new terminal. To register as a tester, just proceed to download the terminal and test it. All testers are invited to report bugs and make suggestions via email or publish them here.
During the testing period, the client terminal is available in English only. If you have any difficulties, please check out the built-in Help, which is also available in English.
You can download MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal by clicking on the following link: https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe (540kb)
We thank you in advance for your contribution on the MetaTrader 5 terminal testing.
We are committed to delivering a truly stable, high-quality product, that's why the testing is evolving into a multi-stage process. We just wish to ensure the highest quality in every stage of the process before we release the platform to our clients.
Best regards,
MetaQuotes Software Corp.
September 9, 2009 marks a major milestone in our effort to make the MetaTrader 5 trading platform available to our clients. We are in the final stage of its development and announce the beginning of its closed beta-testing.
The new client terminal has been sent to some members of the MQL4.community for testing. They will help us find and fix errors that, unfortunately, oftentimes slip through when new products are developed. Being created from scratch, MetaTrader 5 is no exception.
The MetaTrader 5 terminal has been already comprehensively tested in our testing department. However, we decided to conduct this closed testing, so that ultimately the general public gets the most stable and reliable terminal. The closed testing will be followed by the public beta-testing where everyone can participate. Just stay tuned!