AMTS Solutions技术提供商刚刚发布了AMTS MetaTrader 5网关,以将多元化金融交易平台与全球领先的流通量提供商整合在一起。
AMTS Solutions技术提供商刚刚发布了AMTS MetaTrader 5网关,以将多元化金融交易平台与全球领先的流通量提供商整合在一起。
立足于塞浦路斯的开发商Dynamic Works公司宣布集成MetaTrader 5交易平台与其Syntellicore CRM系统。
向MetaTrader 5迁移的工作仍在继续。自从推出Gold-i MetaTrader 5网关后,总部位于英国的著名系统集成商Gold-i发布了为MetaTrader 5推出的Gold-i MAM Pro。
随着交易商对MetaTrader 5平台的兴趣与日俱增,UpTrader系统集成商推出了公司现有解决方案与最新一代多元化金融交易平台的投资组合。
MetaQuotes Software将在于2017年5月23-25日在Palais de Sports(塞浦路斯,利马索尔)举办的2017年度iFX EXPO国际展上展示最新开发成果。
MetaQuotes Software will showcase its latest developments at the annual iFX EXPO International 2017 Expo to be held on May 23-25 in Palais de Sports (Limassol, Cyprus).
成功发布MetaTrader 5 MAMM解决方案以后,Plugit Apps系统集成公司决定为已经使用新一代平台的交易商扩展他们的产品组合。
After the successful release of the MetaTrader 5 MAMM solution, the Plugit Apps integrator company decided to extend their portfolio of products for brokers already using the new-generation platform.
AMP Futures has officially announced the launch of the MetaTrader 5 platform for trading futures.
We have opened a representative office in Bulgaria. Metapenta Software Ltd will offer its services to regional brokers.
Added access to the bar and tick history. Now, it is possible to download the full 1-minute and tick history from the server through the trading...
MetaQuotes Software Corp. will present its latest developments at the Moscow Financial Expo 2017.