迪拜黄金和商品交易所(DGCX)的金融机构已经为其客户推出了MetaTrader 5交易平台。
总部位于美国的技术提供商oneZero,近期发布了一系列新产品,其中包括先进的价格监控工具、增强的连接功能以及改进的oneZero Liquidity Hub网关
升级至新平台的时间正好与RiddiSiddhi Bullions Limited(RSBL)的RSBL Spot系统的十周年纪念日相遇。
The popular multi-asset platform now supports demo access to Asia's oldest stock exchange. Open an account on the MetaQuotes-BSE server and start receiving quotes of BSE featured securities.
MetaQuotes将在2018约旦外汇博览会上展示MetaTrader 5交易平台的最新开发成果。本次博览会将于3月13-14日在约旦死海皇冠假日酒店举办。
MetaQuotes will showcase the recent developments of the MetaTrader 5 at the Jordan Forex Expo 2018. The event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Jordan Dead Sea hotel, between March 13-14.
This means that 333 The Pakistan Mercantile Exchange members will be able to operate their business on MetaTrader 5 and to offer advanced trading and investment facilities to their clients.