MetaTrader4. Build 184 What’s new: 1. Fixed «Common error» of terminal connection; 2.
MetaTrader4. Build 184 What’s new: 1. Fixed «Common error» of terminal connection; 2.
New Version of MetaTrader4 Client Terminal build 183 compatible with operational system of Windows 98 SE has been released.
MetaTrader 4 Mobile has been released today, essential improvements being made to its functionality.
Please note that the support of the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal builds under 178 has been disabled.
MetaTrader 4 Mobile. Build 184. 1. Enabled advanced authorization mode support. 2. Added Russian interface. 3. Updated working with charts. 4.
MetaTrader4. Build 181 What’s new: 1. Updated reading Digits parameter from template; 2. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE; 3.
Today preliminary beta-version of MetaTrader 4 Mobile is released. Unfortunately, a part of functions and charts drawing are not ready yet.
MetaTrader4. Build 180. What’s new: 1. Updated a generation process of «Every-tick» mode; 2.
MetaTrader4. Build 178. What’s new: 1. Added checkbox for enabling optimization parameters; 2.
MetaTrader4. Build 177. What’s new: 1. Added checkbox for enabling optimization parameters; 2.
MetaTrader4. Build 176. What’s new: 1. Disabled working with objects by optimization process; 2.
We are glad to inform that our latest development, online trading platform MetaTrader 4, has been released on July, 1.
On the 1st of July, 2005, our new Forex trading system MetaTrader 4 will be released officially.
MetaTrader4. Build 173. What’s new: 1. Updated objects drawing by timeframes changing; 2. Updated DDE data export; 3.
MetaTrader4. Build 172. What’s new: 1. Updated CurTime() function; 2. Updated expert initialization function; 3.
MetaTrader4. Build 171. What’s new: 1. Fixed chart «freezing» effect; 2. Increased the global variables lifetime up to 4 weeks from last using time.
MetaTrader4. Build 170. What’s new: 1. In MQL4 updated string copy method; 2. Updated deinitialization of separate window custom indicator; 3.
MetaTrader4. Build 169. What’s new: 1. Updated working through DataCenter; 2. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE; 3. Updating based on crash-logs.
New client terminal MetaTrader CE 1.52 has been released. In the new version the error of shut-down of programm is fixed.
MetaTrader4. Build 168. What’s new: 1. Updated data pumping; 2. Updated working through DataCenter; 3. Updated last data viewing in «Data Window»; 4.