Hosting details now feature more information: the build of the hosted terminal, the name of the processor of the hosting server, the number of threads...
Hosting details now feature more information: the build of the hosted terminal, the name of the processor of the hosting server, the number of threads...
We are glad to announce that MQL4 language has been included into TIOBE Programming Community Index for December 2014.
Trading in MetaTrader 5 from your Android powered device is now even more convenient and easy.
Update for Android 4.0 and later. Support for the older Android versions application is terminated, but it is still available for download.
Have you already noticed the icon with a lock in front of in the browser address bar?
Now MetaTrader 5 platform users can access the FX Market part of Moscow Exchange.
Renting a virtual server right from the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals is the optimal way to ensure uninterrupted work of your trading robots...
A new milestone has been reached in developing services for the MetaTrader platforms when the total of officially registered sellers hit the mark of...
Trading Signals The showcase of signals has been completely redesigned. New features have been added, the Signals service design and usability have...
Fixed an error that could occasionally interfere with launching the client terminal under Windows XP x64.
New Virtual Hosting service is now available. A virtual server for a trading account can now be rented right from the client terminal.
The MetaTrader 5 trading platform continues its expansion in the fast growing markets.
Recently MetaQuotes Software introduced MetaFintech as its new representative office in the UAE.
Allowed specification of Stop Loss and Take Profit when opening a position for a Market Execution type symbol.
We are pleased to announce about the geographic expansion of the company by the establishing of a new representative office.
British Forex Trader Magazine has appeared today in MetaTrader Market. Thus, any MetaTrader platform user can now download up to eight different...
We are pleased to announce the integration of MetaTrader 5 trading platform with Borsa Istanbul.
Added an option for editing the levels of indicators and objects Allowed specification of Stop Loss and Take Profit when opening a position for a...