Release of TeamWox Trial Version — First Step to the Revolution in the Market of Management Systems Today the developers from MetaQuotes Software Corp...
Release of TeamWox Trial Version — First Step to the Revolution in the Market of Management Systems Today the developers from MetaQuotes Software Corp...
尊敬的各位客户, 组织和举办自动交易锦标赛是一个非常复杂且消耗量大的项目。为了维护这个比赛,我们公司需要来自不同部门的数十位专家。在参与比赛筹办的人士中有交易平台的开发人员以及软件测试部门的专家。 如您可能知道,现在我们正在着手于新交易平台MetaTrader 5的开发;计划在今年发布该平台。
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 223 has been released. What’s new: 1.
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 221 has been released. What’s new: 1. Updated information in MetaEditor Help files. 2.
2009年4月5日«»服务器将被关闭。然而,分钟历史的历史中心将继续运行。 从这一天起,我公司将停止使用演示服务器。目前有大量的公司在使用MetaTrader 4平台,所以我们觉得没有理由再保持我们自己的服务器。
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 222 has been released. Fixed CAB file for installation of terminal from PDA with Windows Mobile 2003 or lower systems.
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 221 have been released. Fixed an error in the LiveUpdate system leading to the hanging of some devices with Windows...
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 220 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 213 have been released.
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 220 has been released. What’s new: 1. Fixed error of event sound play. 2.
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 219 has been released. What’s new: 1. Changed interface. 2.
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 218 has been released. What’s new: 1. MQL4: Fixed reinitialization of Expert Advisors at change of accounts. 2.
MetaQuotes软件公司很高兴地宣布7月1日开始2008自动交易锦标赛的参赛报名工作 !从现在开始到2008年9月19日,所有感兴趣的人们都可以报名参加比赛。参加比赛是免费的。 完全符合锦标赛规则的EA交易均有资格参与。
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 217 has been released. What’s new: 1.
MetaQuotes软件公司,福汇集团(FXCM),美国银特贝克有限公司 (IBFX),FXDD 和TRADERS杂志很高兴的宣布第三届,即2008自动交易锦标赛的准备工作开始了。 如一年前一样,参赛报名工作将于2008年7月1日开始。大赛本身将于2008年10月1日开始。
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 212 is released. In new version the terminal freezing at the attempt to register a demo account is fixed.
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 216 has been released. What’s new: 1.