MetaTrader 5 build 3081: Improvements in MQL5 services and design updates
What's new in MetaTrader 5
14 October 2021
Improved navigation in services.
Market, Signals and VPS
sections have been moved from the main platform workspace to the
Navigator. The new positioning provides easy access to the desired
products and enables efficient management of purchases and
subscriptions. "How it works" sections have been added to each service,
to provide the basic usage information.
All menu and toolbar icons have been completely redesigned. The terminal interface has become more user-friendly:
Removed small elements from icons
Reduced the number of used colors to avoid color noise
Fewer gradients are used to improve readability
More straightforward metaphors are used
Added the display of costs resulting from deal
execution. The relevant information is shown in the trading history.
This feature is used by NFA regulated brokers.
If your broker enables cost calculation on the server, the new Costs
column will appear in your account trading history. The column shows the
deal execution cost relative to the current mid-point price of the
symbol (mid-point spread cost).
This is the eighth language available at, the largest
community of algorithmic traders. The website interface, articles, the
Economic Calendar and important forum topics are already available in
Korean. MQL5 documentation will be translated soon.
Fixed loading of custom trading instruments. In some cases, newly created symbol settings could overwrite existing symbol settings.
Fixed the on-chart display of the signal trading
history. Previously, the relevant option enabled the display of all
trades for all financial instruments, and not only for the chart
Added export of the Fee column to the trading history
report. Previously the value was only displayed in the history, but it
could not be saved to a file.
Optimized and accelerated operation of one-click trading panels in Market Watch and on charts.
Fixed operation of the Margin Ratios field for custom
trading instruments. The values could be reset to zero under certain
We continue implementing the Subscriptions service through which traders can purchase additional trading services from brokers. Fixed errors in the quotes subscription window.
Fixed display of the Trend Line analytical object.
Previously the line could disappear upon scaling or upon chart window
Fixed display of the Rectangle analytical object. The
object could disappear if one of the anchor points was beyond the chart
visibility area.
Fixes and operation speed improvements related to operation of built-in charts.
Fixed rounding of the Value parameter in the list of
open positions. The fractional part could be hidden in previous
Fixed mobile phone verification during the account
opening process. Phone numbers could be identified as incorrect for some
Chinese operators.
Added support for MQL5 account passwords longer than 32 characters.
Fixed export of certificates
when working in Wine. This option is used for accounts with extended
authentication, when migrating such accounts from desktop to mobile.
Fixed buttons opening MQL5 services in the lower panel
of the Toolbox window. The buttons were inactive when the window was
Added limitation on the "File \ New Chart" menu size.
Now the menu can contain no more than 128 submenus with symbol groups,
each having no more than 32 symbols. The limitation speeds up the
terminal operation and avoids freezing when adding a large number of
trading symbols (2,000 or more) to Market Watch.
We continue adding vector and matrix support. The new
functions will significantly expand the possibilities for neural
network-based solution developers.
Added DEAL_SL and DEAL_TP values in the
ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_DOUBLE enumeration — the Stop Loss and Take Profit
levels of a deal.
The relevant values for entry and reversal
deals are set in accordance with the Stop Loss/Take Profit of orders,
which initiated these deals. The Stop Loss/Take Profit values of
appropriate positions as of the time of position closure are used for
exit deals.
Added the MQL_HANDLES_USED value in the
ENUM_MQL_INFO_INTEGER enumeration — the number of active class objects
(handles) in an MQL program. These include both dynamic (created via
new) and non-dynamic objects, global/local variables or class members.
The more handles a program uses, the more resources it consumes.
Added new methods for working with the MqlCalendarValue structure which describes an economic calendar event:
HasActualValue(void) — returns true if the actual value is set; otherwise returns false
HasForecastValue(void) — returns true if the forecast value is set; otherwise returns false
HasPreviousValue(void) — returns true if the previous value is set; otherwise returns false
HasRevisedValue(void) — returns true if the revised value is set; otherwise returns false
GetActualValue(void) — returns the actual value of an event (double) or nan if the relevant value is not set
GetForecastValue(void) — returns the forecast value of an event (double) or nan if the relevant value is not set
GetPreviousValue(void) — returns the previous value of an event (double) or nan if the relevant value is not set
GetRevisedValue(void) — returns the revised value of an event (double) or nan if the relevant value is not set
Fixed debugging of the MQL5 programs which use libraries in the form of EX5 files.
Accelerated compilation of programs containing large arrays initialized by a sequence.
Fixed execution of the CopyTicksRange function with custom trading symbol data. The function could return data out of the requested period.
Fixed verification of the availability of all template
parameters during specialization by parameters. Code compilation with
debug templates could cause "code generation error" under certain
Added capability to automatically renew Signal subscriptions.
Your subscription will not end abruptly, as the system will
automatically renew it for another month through the payment method that
you previously used for the initial subscription purchase.
If you made your previous payment using a card and the renewal payment
fails, the system will try to make a payment from your MQL5 account
Do not worry about changes in subscription prices. If
the price grows, auto-renewal will be canceled. You will receive a
relevant notification by email.
You can enable or disable the auto renewal option at any moment via the My Subscriptions section at
Fixed display of the Signals showcase. Now the system
correctly identifies the compatibility of signals with the current
Added product search by the author's name and login in
the Market showcase. Previously, the service only supported search by
product name and description.
Improved the auto subscription renewal option.
Previously, the payment for the renewal could only be made from the MQL5
account balance. The user had to make sure the relevant amount is
available on their account.
Now there is no need to top up the
MQL5 account. The system will renew the subscription using the same
payment method which you used for the initial subscription. If you paid
for the VPS with a card and enabled the auto renewal option, the system
will use the same payment method for the new subscription period. If the
payment fails, the system will try to make a payment from your MQL5
account balance.
With the new option, you can be sure that your Expert Advisors and
signal subscriptions will not stop due to the end of the VPS period.
Furthermore, there is no need to check and top up your balance manually.
The option will only be used for new subscriptions. Payments for
the renewal of existing subscriptions will be made from the MQL5
account balance.
Fixed visual testing errors. Under certain conditions, charts could fail to display indicators used in Expert Advisors.
Fixed jumping to the function or variable
declaration using Alt+G. The action could fail if the declaration was
below the call line.
Added display of the object type for references to class objects in the debugger.
Added capability to display union in the list of watched expressions.
MetaTrader 5 iPhone/iPad, MetaTrader 5 Android
Added display of a disclaimer during application start. Please
read it carefully. Additionally, some brokers can automatically create a
demo account during the first start of the application. In this case,
you will see the relevant terms.
Added capability to connect an account to monitoring in the Signals
service directly from the mobile application. This can be done by
selecting "Account Monitoring" from the menu. For convenience, the
account number and the broker name are automatically added to the
registration window. You should additionally specify the signal name and
an investor password.
Connect your account to the monitoring to
access advanced trading statistics, to share the results with other
traders or to start selling your signals.
Added support for Huawei AppGallery
and HMS Services for mobile terminals running on Android OS. Huawei
smartphone owners can install the app from the relevant store and use
push notifications.